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Remove a Site Collection Admin User from all Site Collections

Inspired By: Salaudeen Rajack

Remove Site Collection Admin
This function will remove the designated user for every site in the tenant if he/she is a Site Collection Admin.
This applies to Group-connected sites, non group-connected sites, or classic sites.
PS C:\> Remove-SiteCollectionAdminUser -UserToRemove ""
This will remove the user as a Site Collection Admin on every site in the tenant.
PS C:\> Remove-SiteCollectionAdminUser -UserToRemove
This will remove the user (works also without the quotes) as a Site Collection Admin on every site in the tenant.
Inputs (if any)
Output (if any)
This script will not remove the designated user if he/she is a Member of a group a Administrator on a site.
function Remove-SiteCollectionAdminUser{
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$allSPOSites = m365 spo site list | ConvertFrom-Json
$siteCount = $allSPOSites.Count

Write-Host "Processing $siteCount sites..." -f Green

#Loop through each site
foreach ($site in $allSPOSites) {

Write-Host "Going through $($site.Url)" -f Yellow
$users = m365 spo user list --webUrl $site.Url -o json | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach($user in $UserToRemove){
$owners = $users.value | Where-Object { $_.IsSiteAdmin -eq $true }

foreach ($owner in $owners) {
if ($owner.Email -eq $UserToRemove) {
#Grab the ID
$userToRemoveID = $owner.Id

#Remove the user
Write-Host "User $($UserToRemove) is an Admin in $($site.Title). Removing..." -f Blue
m365 spo user remove --webUrl "$($site.Url)" --id $userToRemoveID --force