Hide SharePoint list from Site Contents
Author: David Ramalho
If you need to hide the SharePoint list from the UI this simple PowerShell script will hide a specific list from the site contents. This will prevent users from easily accessing the list while, for example, you are still setting it up.
- PowerShell
- Bash
$listName = "listName"
$site = "https://contoso.sharepoint.com/"
m365 login
$list = m365 spo list get --webUrl $site -t $listName -o json | ConvertFrom-Json
m365 spo list set --webUrl $site --id $list.Id --hidden true
# requires jq: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/
m365 login
listId=$(m365 spo list get --webUrl $site -t "$listName" -o json | jq ".Id")
m365 spo list set --webUrl $site --id $listId --hidden true