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Retrieves the retirement report of SharePoint Add-Ins and Azure ACS.

Author: Michał Kornet

This script is designed to extract information about retirement-related components from a selected tenant. It covers key elements such as event receivers, SharePoint Add-Ins, Azure Access Control Service (ACS), and installed SharePoint Add-Ins

Script Usage

The script supports two authentication methods or the current logged-in method of M365 CLI.

  1. GetRetirementStatus -AuthenticationMethod "DeviceCode"

To use this method, log in using the DeviceCode authentication method of M365 CLI.

  1. GetRetirementStatus -AuthenticationMethod "Certificate" -CertificatePath "C:\Path\To\Certificate.pfx" -CertificatePassword "YourPassword" -TenantId "YourTenantId" -AppId "YourAppId"

For this method, you need to create a certificate and a new Entra App.

To create a new app with the required permissions, use the following command:

m365 entra app add --name 'RetirementReportApp' --apisApplication ',,' --certificateFile "C:\Path\To\Certificate.cer" --certificateDisplayName 'Certificate' --grantAdminConsent 
Retrieve Retirement Report for SharePoint Add-Ins and Azure ACS.
This script retrieves the retirement report of SharePoint Add-Ins and Azure ACS.
If not already authenticated, the function will attempt to log in using the specified authentication method.
Authentication can be done using a devicecode or a certificate.

.PARAMETER AuthenticationMethod
Specifies the authentication method to be used. Valid values are "DeviceCode" or "Certificate".
Default value is "DeviceCode".

.PARAMETER CertificatePath
Specifies the path to the certificate file used for authentication when AuthenticationMethod is set to "Certificate".

.PARAMETER CertificatePassword
Specifies the password for the certificate file when AuthenticationMethod is set to "Certificate".

Specifies the Tenant ID to be used for authentication when AuthenticationMethod is set to "Certificate".

.PARAMETER AppId (Client ID)
Specifies the App ID (Client ID) to be used for authentication when AuthenticationMethod is set to "Certificate".

The script generates the following output files:
- EventReceivers.csv - contains the list of event receivers
- AzureACSList.csv - contains the list of Azure ACS apps
- SharePointInstalledAddInsList.csv - contains the list of SharePoint installed add-ins
- SharePointAddInsList.csv - contains the list of SharePoint add-ins

Using the certificate authentication method requires the following steps:
Creation of Entra App with the following permissions:
Microsoft Graph
- Application.Read.All
- Sites.Read.All
- Sites.Manage.All

PS C:\> GetRetirementStatus -AuthenticationMethod "DeviceCode"
This example retrieves retirement status information using devicecode authentication (Please note that a current user may not have access to all sites).

PS C:\> GetRetirementStatus -AuthenticationMethod "Certificate" -CertificatePath "C:\Path\To\Certificate.pfx" -CertificatePassword "YourPassword" -TenantId "YourTenantId" -AppId "YourAppId"
This example retrieves retirement status information using certificate authentication.
function GetRetirementStatus {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Authentication Method")][ValidateSet("DeviceCode", "Certificate")] $AuthenticationMethod = "DeviceCode",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Certificate Path")][string] $CertificatePath,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Certificate Password")][string] $CertificatePassword,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Tenant Id")][string] $TenantId,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "App Id (Client ID)")][string] $AppId

$m365Status = m365 status --output text

if ($m365Status -eq "Logged out") {
# Connection to Microsoft 365
if ($AuthenticationMethod -eq "DeviceCode") {
Write-Host "Logging in using DeviceCode authentication"
m365 login
else {
Write-Host "Logging in using Certificate authentication"
m365 login --authType certificate --certificateFile $CertificatePath --appId $AppId --tenant $TenantId --password $CertificatePassword
else {
Write-Host "Already logged in"
Write-Host "Status: $m365Status"

function IsAppInList {
param (

return $AppList.Title -contains $AppTitle

function GetLegacyEntraApps {
try {
$ResultList = @()
#get all Entra apps with Legacy service principal type
$EntraApps = m365 entra sp list --query "[?servicePrincipalType =='Legacy']" --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach ($EntraApp in $EntraApps) {
$ResultList += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Id = $
AppName = $EntraApp.displayName
AppId = $EntraApp.appId
ServicePrincipalType = $EntraApp.servicePrincipalType
Created = $EntraApp.createdDateTime?.ToLongDateString()
return $ResultList
catch {
Write-Error "Error retrieving legacy Entra apps: $_"
return @()

function GetEventReceiversDataToOutputList {
param (
[array] $EventReceivers,
[string] $Location,
[string] $LocationUrl
try {
$ResultList = @()

foreach ($EventReceiver in $EventReceivers) {
$ResultList += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
EventType = $EventReceiver.EventType
ReceiverUrl = $EventReceiver.ReceiverUrl
ReceiverAssembly = $EventReceiver.ReceiverAssembly
ReceiverClass = $EventReceiver.ReceiverClass
ReceiverName = $EventReceiver.ReceiverName
ReceiverId = $EventReceiver.ReceiverId
ReceiverSequenceNumber = $EventReceiver.SequenceNumber
ReceiverSynchronization = $EventReceiver.Synchronization
LocationType = $Location
LocationUrl = $LocationUrl
return $ResultList
catch {
Write-Error "Error assigning Event Receivers data: $_"
return @()

function GetEventReceiversDataForWeb {
param (
[string] $WebUrl
try {
$EventReceivers = @()
$EventReceiversOnWeb = m365 spo eventreceiver list --webUrl $WebUrl --query "[?!contains(ReceiverAssembly,'Microsoft.')]" --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
$EventReceivers += GetEventReceiversDataToOutputList -EventReceivers $EventReceiversOnWeb -Location "Web" -LocationUrl $WebUrl

$Lists = m365 spo list list --webUrl $WebUrl --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach ($List in $Lists) {
$EventReveiversOnList = m365 spo eventreceiver list --webUrl $WebUrl --listId $List.Id --query "[?!contains(ReceiverAssembly,'Microsoft.')]" --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
$EventReceivers += GetEventReceiversDataToOutputList -EventReceivers $EventReveiversOnList -Location "List" -LocationUrl $List.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl
return $EventReceivers
catch {
Write-Error "Error getting Event Receivers data for Web: $_"
return @()

function GetAppsInstancesForSite {
param (
[string] $SiteUrl,
[array] $AppCatalogApps

try {
$ResultList = @()
$AppsOnSite = m365 spo app instance list --siteUrl $SiteUrl --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach ($AppOnSite in $AppsOnSite) {
if (!(IsAppInList -AppTitle $AppOnSite.Title -AppList $AppCatalogApps)) { continue }

$ResultList += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Id = $AppOnSite.AppId
ProductId = $AppOnSite.ProductId
AppName = $AppOnSite.Title
LastModified = $AppOnSite.LastModifiedDate.ToLongDateString()
Location = $SiteUrl
return $ResultList
catch {
Write-Error "Error getting App Instances data for Site: $_"
return @()

function GetSharePointAddinsOutputList {
try {
$ResultList = @()

foreach ($AppCatalogApp in $AppCatalogApps) {
$ResultList += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
AppName = $AppCatalogApp.Name
ServerRelativeUrl = $AppCatalogApp.ServerRelativeUrl
TimeCreated = $AppCatalogApp.TimeCreated.ToLongDateString()
TimeLastModified = $AppCatalogApp.TimeLastModified.ToLongDateString()
Title = $AppCatalogApp.Title
Version = $AppCatalogApp.UIVersionLabel
return $ResultList
catch {
Write-Error "Error assigning Apps files data: $_"
return @()

$CurrentPath = $PSScriptRoot
$EventReceiversPath = Join-Path -Path $CurrentPath -ChildPath "EventReceivers.csv"
$AzureAcsListPath = Join-Path -Path $CurrentPath -ChildPath "AzureACSList.csv"
$SharePointInstalledAddInsListPath = Join-Path -Path $CurrentPath -ChildPath "SharePointInstalledAddInsList.csv"
$SharePointAddInsListPath = Join-Path -Path $CurrentPath -ChildPath "SharePointAddInsList.csv"

#initialize arrays
$SharePointInstalledAddInsList = @()
$EventReceiversList = @()
$SharePointAddInsList = @()
$AzureAcsList = GetLegacyEntraApps

#get all sites
$Sites = m365 spo site list --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

#get tenant App Catalog url
$AppCatalogTenantUrl = m365 spo tenant appcatalogurl get
#get all files in tenant App Catalog

$AppCatalogApps = m365 spo file list --webUrl $AppCatalogTenantUrl.Replace('"', '') --folderUrl "AppCatalog" --query "[?contains(Name,'.app')]" --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

#get all site App Catalogs
$SiteAppCatalogs = m365 spo site appcatalog list --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

#get all files in all site App Catalogs
foreach ($SiteAppCatalog in $SiteAppCatalogs) {
$AppCatalogApps += m365 spo file list --webUrl $SiteAppCatalog.AbsoluteUrl --folderUrl "AppCatalog" --query "[?contains(Name,'.app')]" --output json | ConvertFrom-Json

#assign Add-ins list to the output array
$SharePointAddInsList = GetSharePointAddinsOutputList -AppCatalogApps $AppCatalogApps

try {
$SiteCount = $Sites.Count

foreach ($Site in $Sites) {
$Siteindex = $Sites.IndexOf($Site) + 1
Write-Host "Processing $Siteindex/$SiteCount : $($Site.Url)"

#get all legacy apps installed on the site
$SharePointInstalledAddInsList += GetAppsInstancesForSite -SiteUrl $Site.Url -AppCatalogApps $AppCatalogApps
#get all event receivers on the site
$EventReceiversOnSite = m365 spo eventreceiver list --webUrl $Site.Url --scope site --query "[?!contains(ReceiverAssembly,'Microsoft.')]" --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
#assign site event receivers list to the output array
$EventReceiversList += GetEventReceiversDataToOutputList -EventReceivers $EventReceiversOnSite -Location "Site" -LocationUrl $Site.Url
#get all root web/lists event receivers
$EventReceiversList += GetEventReceiversDataForWeb -WebUrl $Site.Url
#get all webs in the site
$Webs = m365 spo web list --url $Site.Url --output json | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($Web in $Webs) {
#get all event receivers on the web/lists
$EventReceiversList += GetEventReceiversDataForWeb -WebUrl $Web.Url
catch {
Write-Host "Error: $_ - $($Site.Url)"

#export data to csv files
$EventReceiversList | Export-Csv -Path $EventReceiversPath -NoTypeInformation
$AzureAcsList | Export-Csv -Path $AzureAcsListPath -NoTypeInformation
$SharePointInstalledAddInsList | Export-Csv -Path $SharePointInstalledAddInsListPath -NoTypeInformation
$SharePointAddInsList | Export-Csv -Path $SharePointAddInsListPath -NoTypeInformation

m365 logout
Write-Host "Finished"

# choose the preferred method for authentication.