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PropertyFieldGrid control

This control generates a Grid Control .

PropertyFieldGrid example usage

PropertyFieldGrid example

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-property-controls dependency. Check out The getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following modules to your component:
import { PropertyFieldGrid, IItem} from '@pnp/spfx-property-controls/lib/PropertyFieldGrid';
- define the items to show in the grid:

const gridItems:IItem[] = [
    key: "1",
    icon: React.createElement(DocumentBulletListRegular) ,
    title: "File 1",
    description: "This is the first document"
    key: "2",
    icon: React.createElement(DocumentBulletListRegular) ,
    title: "File 2",
    description: "This is the 2 document"
    key: "3",
    icon: React.createElement(DocumentBulletListRegular) ,
    title: "File 3",
    description: "This is the 3 document"
    key: "4",
    icon: React.createElement(DocumentBulletListRegular) ,
    title: "File 4",
    description: "This is the 4 document"

- Add the custom property Grid to the `groupFields` of the web part property pane configuration:

 PropertyFieldGrid('gridItems', {
          multiSelect: true,
          items: gridItems,
          label: 'Grid Items',
          key: 'gridFieldId',
          maxHeight: 500,
          className: 'gridClass',
          styles:  {padding: 10},
          isVisible: true,
          maxHeight: 500,
          column1Label: 'File',
          column2Label: 'Location',
          onSelected: (item: IItem[]) => {


The PropertyFieldGrid control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
key string yes An unique key that indicates the identity of this control.
styles IButtonStyles no styles object (root container)
classname string no css ClassName (root container)
isVisible boolean no Indicate if grid is visible
label string no label of Grid
defaultSelectedItems (items:IItem[]) =>void no defined default Item selected
maxHeigth number no max height of the container , default 400px
onSelected item[] no selected Items when are selected
items IItem[] yes Items to show
multiSelect boolean no Enable multiSelect , default single
column1Label string no Label for header of first grid column
column2Label string no Label for header of second grid column