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Adaptive Card Host

The motivation behind this control is to have a React control that facilitates the use of Adaptive Cards in SPFx by adding some features such as:

  • Graphic integration with SharePoint / Microsoft Teams themes, both as regards the color palette and the use of the Fluent UI React controls instead of the classic HTML controls.

  • Automatic use of Adaptive Cards Templating if an object containing data is passed to the control.

For graphic integration, in the case of SharePoint the current theme (page or section theme) or a custom theme is used. Three custom themes have been created for Microsoft Teams to emulate the colors of the available themes: Default, Dark and Hight Contrast.

All Elements and Actions of Adaptive Cards have been redefined using Fluent UI React, both for SharePoint and Microsoft Teams (in this case the "Fluent UI Northstar" library is not used), adding and improving features that are not managed in Microsoft's implementation of the "adaptivecards-fluentui" library (Theme support for example).

Thanks to the "context" property that allows you to pass the SPFx context, whether the "data" property is passed or not, a new field called @context will be injected into the data object.

This allows, using Adaptive Cards templating syntax, to access to the context informations using the following fields (for more information on these fields, refer to the BaseComponentContext class): - "theme": property "theme" from the current theme applied to the card. - "aadInfo": Azure AD informations retrieved from the SPFx context object. - "cultureInfo": Culture informations retrieved from the SPFx context object. - "userInfo": User informations retrieved from the SPFx context object. - "spListInfo": Current List informations retrieved from the SPFx context object. - "spListItemInfo": Current List item informations retrieved from the SPFx context object. - "spSiteInfo": Current Site informations retrieved from the SPFx context object. - "spWebInfo": Current Web informations retrieved from the SPFx context object.

The Adaptive Cards version supported is 1.5, by using the 'adaptivecards' npm package version 2.10.0.

Here is an example of the control in action inside a Web Part:

Adaptive Card Host control

Here is an example of the previous Web Part (using different Card), hosted as a Tab in Microsoft Teams:

Adaptive Card Host control

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • In your component file, import the AdaptiveCardHost control as follows:
import { AdaptiveCardHost, IAdaptiveCardHostActionResult, AdaptiveCardHostThemeType, Action, CardElement, CardObjectRegistry, HostCapabilities } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/AdaptiveCardHost";
  • Example on use the AdaptiveCardHost control with only required properties:
  onInvokeAction={(action) => alert(JSON.stringify(action))}
  onError={(error) => alert(error.message)}
  • Example on use the AdaptiveCardHost control with all properties:
  onInvokeAction={(action) => alert(JSON.stringify(action))}
  onError={(error) => alert(error.message)}
  onSetCustomElements={(registry: CardObjectRegistry<CardElement>) => {
    registry.register("CustomElementName", CustomElement);
  onSetCustomActions={(registry: CardObjectRegistry<Action>) => {
    registry.register("CustomActionName", CustomAction);
  onUpdateHostCapabilities={(hostCapabilities: HostCapabilities) => {
  • Example on use the AdaptiveCardHost control with SharePoint Theme:
  onInvokeAction={(action) => alert(JSON.stringify(action))}
  onError={(error) => alert(error.message)}
  • Example on use the AdaptiveCardHost control with SharePoint Theme "Section Variation" ('this.props.theme' is the theme that come from the Web Part) */):
  onInvokeAction={(action) => alert(JSON.stringify(action))}
  onError={(error) => alert(error.message)}
  • Example on use the AdaptiveCardHost control with Teams "Default" Theme:
  onInvokeAction={(action) => alert(JSON.stringify(action))}
  onError={(error) => alert(error.message)}
  • Example on use the AdaptiveCardHost control with Teams "Dark" Theme:
  onInvokeAction={(action) => alert(JSON.stringify(action))}
  onError={(error) => alert(error.message)}
  • Example on use the AdaptiveCardHost control with Teams "High Contrast" Theme:
  onInvokeAction={(action) => alert(JSON.stringify(action))}
  onError={(error) => alert(error.message)}


The AdaptiveCardHost control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
card object yes Set Adaptive Card payload.
data { "$root": object } no Set Data Source for template rendering.
style React.CSSProperties no Set CSS Style.
className string no Set CSS Class.
theme IPartialTheme or ITheme no Set Fluent UI Theme. Used only if the "themeType" property is set to 'ThemeType.SharePoint'. If not set or set to null or not defined, the theme passed through context will be searched, or the default theme of the page will be loaded. However, the Theme object will be automatically injected into the data object, so that it can be used by the Adaptive Cards binding engine.
themeType ThemeType no Select the Type of Theme you want to use. If it is not set or set to null or undefined, the 'ThemeType.SharePoint' value will be used and the "theme" property or the theme passed through the context or default page will be loaded. In other cases, the chosen Microsoft Teams theme will be applied.
hostConfig object no Set custom HostConfig.
onInvokeAction (action: IAdaptiveCardActionResult) => void yes Invoked every time an Action is performed.
onError (error: Error) => void yes Invoked every time an exception occurs in the rendering phase.
onSetCustomElements (registry: CardObjectRegistry) => void no Invoked to manage Elements to the current Adaptive Card instance.
onSetCustomActions (registry: CardObjectRegistry) => void no Invoked to manage Actions to the current Adaptive Card instance.
onUpdateHostCapabilities (hostCapabilities: HostCapabilities) => void no Invoked to manage the HostCapabilities object like add custom properties.
context BaseComponentContext no Set the context from the SPFx component. If set, some context properties will be automatically injected into the data object, so they can be used by the Adaptive Cards binding engine.

Interface IAdaptiveCardHostActionResult

Property Type Required Description
type string yes Type of the Action.
title string no Title of the Action.
url string no Url of the Action.
data object no Data of the Action.
verb string no Verb of the Action.

Enum AdaptiveCardHostThemeType

Type Description
SharePoint Use the SharePoint current Theme or Theme Variation
Teams Use the Fluent UI Teams default theme
TeamsDark Use the Fluent UI Teams dark theme
TeamsHighContrast Use the Fluent UI Teams high contrast theme