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Progress control

This control shows progress of multiple SEQUENTIALLY executed actions.

Here is an example of the control in action:

Progress control

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following modules to your component:
import { Progress } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/Progress";
  • Use the Progress control in your code as follows:
<Progress title={'Progress Test'}
          longRunningText={'This operation takes longer than expected'}
          height={'350px'} />

Note: the control itself is not responsible for actions' execution. It only renders the actions, overall progress and actions' execution states. When using the control, you should implement actions execution. As example, you can have a base class that implements IProgressAction interface and has an execute method:

class BaseAction implements IProgressAction {
  public get title(): string { ... }
  public get subActionsTitles(): string[] { ... }
  public get hasError(): boolean { ... }
  public get errorMessage(): string { ... }
  public async execute(): Promise<void> { ... }

Then, you have multiple actions derived from the base one:

class FirstAction extends BaseAction {
  public async execute(): Promise<void> { 
    // implementation for FirstAction

class SecondAction extends BaseAction {
  public async execute(): Promise<void> {
    // implementation for SecondAction

Now, in a component, where Progress is used you can have code as below:

export interface IYourComponentState {
  progressActions: IProgressAction[];
  currentProgressActionIndex?: number;
  // other state properties

// ...

export class YourComponent extends React.Component<IYourComponentProps, IYourComponentState> {
  // all other code, including render with Progress reference listed above

  private _initActions() {
      progressActions: [
        new FirstAction(),
        new SecondAction()

  private async _execute() {
    for (let i = 0; i <= this.state.actions.length; i++) {
      this.setState(currentProgressActionIndex: i);

      if (i < this.state.actions.length) {
        await this.state.actions[i].execute();


The Progress component can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
title string no Title, or header, of the progress.
showOverallProgress boolean true Specifies if overall progress indicator should be shown.
showIndeterminateOverallProgress boolean no Specifies if indeterminate overall progress animation will be shown.
hideNotStartedActions boolean yes Specifies if not started actions should not be rendered.
actions IProgressAction[] yes Progress actions
currentActionIndex number no Index of currently executing action
heigth string no Height of the component
longRunningText string no Text to be displayed for long running operations
longRunningTextDisplayDelay number no Delay until longRunningText is displayed im milliseconds. If not set or 0 longRunningText is displayed right away.
className string no Class name to be applied to the component
headerClassName string no Header class name. Header contains title, progress indicator, and delay text
actionsContainerClassName string no Actions container class name
actionClassName string no Single action class name
successIconName string no Success icon name. Default is CheckMark
errorIconName string no Error icon name. Default is Error
inProgressIconName string no InProgress icon name. Default is '', spinner is displayed.