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ViewPicker control

This control allows you to select available views from lists/libraries of the current site.

Here is an example of the control:

ViewPicker initial

ViewPicker single selection mode:

ViewPicker single selection

ViewPicker multi selection mode:

ViewPicker multi selection

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the control into your component:
import { ViewPicker } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/ViewPicker";
  • Use the ViewPicker control in your code as follows:
    <ViewPicker context={this.props.context}
        placeholder={'Select list view(s)'}
        onSelectionChanged={this.onViewPickerChange} />
  • The onSelectionChanged change event returns the selected view(s) and can be implemented as follows in your webpart:
  private onViewPickerChange = (views: string | string[]) => {
    console.log("Views:", views);


The ViewPicker control can be configured with the following properties

Property Type Required Description
context BaseComponentContext yes The context object of the SPFx loaded webpart or customizer.
className string no If provided, additional class name to provide on the dropdown element.
disabled boolean no Whether or not the view picker control is disabled.
filter string no Filter views from Odata query.
label string no Label to use for the control.
listId string no The List Id of the list.
placeholder string no Placeholder label to show in the dropdown.
orderBy Enum no How to order the set of views (By ID or Title).
selectedView string OR string[] no Keys(View Ids) of the selected item(s). If you provide this, you must maintain selection state by observing onSelectionChanged events and passing a new value in when changed.
multiSelect boolean no Optional mode indicates if multi-choice selections is allowed. Default to false.
showBlankOption boolean no Whether or not to show a blank option. Default to false.
viewsToExclude string[] no Defines view titles which should be excluded from the view picker control.
webAbsoulteUrl string no Absolute Web Url of target site (user requires permissions)
onSelectionChanged (newValue: string OR string[]): void no Callback function when the selected option changes.

Enum orderBy
