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Carousel control

A slideshow component for cycling through elements—images or slides of text—like a carousel.

Here is an example of the control in action:

Carousel control

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following modules to your component:
import { Carousel } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/Carousel";
  • Use the Carousel control in your code as follows:

Carousel component with provided JSX.Element[] slides




  onMoveNextClicked={(index: number) => { console.log(`Next button clicked: ${index}`); }}
  onMovePrevClicked={(index: number) => { console.log(`Prev button clicked: ${index}`); }}

Carousel component with provided triggerPageEvent




Carousel component with provided ICarouselImageProps[] slides:


      imageSrc: '',
      title: 'Colosseum',
      description: 'This is Colosseum',
      url: '',
      showDetailsOnHover: true,
      imageFit: ImageFit.cover
      imageSrc: '',
      title: 'Colosseum',
      description: 'This is Colosseum',
      url: '',
      showDetailsOnHover: true,
      imageFit: ImageFit.cover
      imageSrc: '',
      title: 'Colosseum',
      description: 'This is Colosseum',
      url: '',
      showDetailsOnHover: true,
      imageFit: ImageFit.cover
  onMoveNextClicked={(index: number) => { console.log(`Next button clicked: ${index}`); }}
  onMovePrevClicked={(index: number) => { console.log(`Prev button clicked: ${index}`); }}


The Carousel component can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
startIndex number no Specifies the initial index of the element to be displayed.
isInfinite boolean no Indicates if infinite scrolling is enabled.
canMoveNext boolean no Property indicates if the next item button can be clicked. If not provided, status of the button is calculated based on the current index.
It is mandatory when triggerPageEvent is used.
canMovePrev boolean no Property indicates if the previous item button can be clicked. If not provided, status of the button is calculated based on the current index.
It is mandatory when triggerPageEvent is used.
buttonsLocation CarouselButtonsLocation no Specifies the location of the buttons inside the container. Default: center
buttonsDisplay CarouselButtonsDisplay no Specifies the buttons container display mode. Default: block
containerStyles ICssInput no Allows to specify own styles for carousel container.
loadingComponentContainerStyles ICssInput no Allows to specify own styles for loading component.
contentContainerStyles ICssInput no Allows to specify own styles for elements container.
containerButtonsStyles ICssInput no Allows to specify own styles for buttons container.
prevButtonStyles ICssInput no Allows to specify own styles for previous item button.
nextButtonStyles ICssInput no Allows to specify own styles for next item button.
prevButtonIconName string no Name of the icon to be used for PreviousItem button. Default 'ChevronLeft'.
nextButtonIconName string no Name of the icon to be used for NextItem button. Default 'ChevronRight'.
triggerPageEvent (index: number) => void no Triggers parent control to provide new element to be displayed. After the method is executed, carousel control switches to processing mode and loadingComponent is displayed.
element JSX.Element | JSX.Element[] yes Fixed array of elemenets to be displayed in carousel - if triggerPageEvent is not used.
In case triggerPageEvent is in use, JSX.Element has to be provided. Elements are distinguished based on the 'key' property.
loadingComponent JSX.Element no Allows to inject custom component when the carousel is in processing state. If not provided, Spinner is displayed.
onMoveNextClicked (currentIndex: number) => void no Callback function called after the next item button is clicked. Not used when triggerPageEvent is specified.
onMovePrevClicked (currentIndex: number) => void no Callback function called after the previous item button is clicked. Not used when triggerPageEvent is specified.
elementsCount number no In case triggerPageEvent is in use, provides total number of slides in the carousel.
onSelect (selectedIndex: number) => void no Callback function called when element has been selected in the carousel
slide boolean no Enables animation on the Carousel as it transitions between slides. This property is ignored if triggerPageEvent is in use.
interval number | null no The amount of time to delay between automatically cycling an item. If null, carousel will not automatically cycle.
pauseOnHover boolean no Specifies if slides cycling should pause when hovering over the content (touchStart on touch devices).
indicators boolean no Specifies if set of slide position indicators is shown.
indicatorShape CarouselIndicatorShape no Specifies indicators' shape. If onRenderIndicator is provided - this property is ignored
indicatorClassName string no Specifies additional class applied to slide position indicators
indicatorStyle React.CSSProperties no Specifies additional styles applied to slide position indicators
onRenderIndicator (index: number, onClick: (e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement> | React.TouchEvent<HTMLElement>, selectedIndex: number) => void) => JSX.Element no Function to render indicator element
indicatorsDisplay CarouselIndicatorsDisplay no Specifies display mode of the indicators. Default value overlap.
rootStyles ICssInput no Allows to specify own styles for root element
indicatorsContainerStyles ICssInput no Allows to specify own styles for indicators container when indicatorsDisplay is set to "block"
prevButtonAriaLabel string no Aria label of the PreviousItem button. Default 'Previous item'.
nextButtonAriaLabel string no Aria label of the NextItem button. Default 'Next item'.
contentHeight number no Allows to specify the height of the content. Can be used instead of providing styles for the content container (contentContainerStyles).

enum CarouselButtonsLocation

Provides options for carousel buttons location.

Value Description
top Buttons are going to be placed in the top of the control.
center Buttons are going to be placed in the center of the control.
bottom Buttons are going to be placed in the bottom of the control.

enum CarouselButtonsDisplay

Provides options for carousel buttons display mode.

Value Description
block Reserves space for buttons on both sides of the control.
buttonsOnly Only icon buttons are displayed.
hidden Buttons are not displayed. They appear onhover event.

enum CarouselIndicatorShape

Provides options for carousel indicators' shape.

Value Description
circle Indicators displayed as cirlces
square Indicators displayed as squares
rectangle Indicators displayed as rectangles

enum CarouselIndicatorsDisplay

Provides options for carousel indicators display mode.

Value Description
overlap Indicators are displayed on top of the carousel content
block Reserves space for indicators

Interface ICarouselImageProps

Allows to easily render a set of CarouselImage components in the carousel

Property Type Required Description
imageSrc string yes Image source
imageFit ImageFit no Specifies the method to be used to fit image. Default: ImageFit.none. See Fluent UI Image
url string no URL to be opened when clicking on details
title string no Title to display in details
description string | JSX.Element no Description to show in details. Can be either a string (text) or JSX.Element to show HTML.
target "_blank" | "_self" no Target of the URL to open. Default "_blank"
showDetailsOnHover boolean no Specifies if the details are shown on hover or constantly
className string no Class to apply to the component
style React.CSSProperties no Styles to apply to the component
imgClassName string no Class to apply to the image control
imgStyle React.CSSProperties no Styles to apply to the image control
detailsClassName string no Class to apply to the details control
detailsStyle React.CSSProperties no Styles to apply to the details control
titleClassName string no Class to apply to the title control
titleStyle React.CSSProperties no Styles to apply to the title control
descriptionClassName string no Class to apply to the description control
descriptionStyle React.CSSProperties no Styles to apply to the description control