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RichText control

This control provides rich text editing and display capability.

RichText control output

How to use this control in your solutions

  • Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out the getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  • Import the following modules to your component:
import { RichText } from "@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/RichText";
  • The simplest way to use the RichText control in your code is as follows:
<RichText value={this.props.value}
  • The value property should contain the HTML that you wish to display
  • The onChange handler will be called every time a user changes the text. For example, to have your web part store the rich text as it is updated, you would use the following code:
private onTextChange = (newText: string) => { = newText;
  return newText;

It is possible to use the onChange handler as users type -- for example, the following code replaces all instance of the word bold with bold text.

private onTextChange = (newText: string) => {
  newText = newText.replace(" bold ", " <strong>bold</strong> "); = newText;
  return newText;
  • By adding label property, the control is better identified, especially when used in a form
<RichText label="My multiline text field" value={this.props.value} />

It is also possible to customize the control label's rendering:

const richText = (
  <RichText id="spfxRichText" label="My multiline text field"
            value={this.props.value} />

const onRenderCustomLabel = (rtProps: IRichTextProps): JSX.Element => {
  return <Label htmlFor={}>{rtProps.label}</Label>;


The RichText control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
id string no The ID to apply to the RichText control.
label string no The label displayed above the RichText control.
className string no The custom CSS class to apply to the RichText control.
style React.CSSProperties no The custom styles to apply to the RichText control.
isEditMode boolean no true indicates that users will be able to edit the content of the RichText control. false will display the rich text as read-only.
styleOptions StyleOptions no Define the styles you want to show or hide for the rich text editor
value string no Sets the rich text to display in the RichText control.
onChange (text: string) => string no onChange handler for the RichText control. The function must return a string containing the rich text to display in the RichText control.
onRenderLabel (props: IRichTextProps) => JSX.Element no Custom renderer for the RichText control's label. The function must return a JSX.Element.

StyleOptions interface

Property Type Required Description
showAlign boolean no Indicates whether to show the Align toolbar button or not. Default value is true
showBold boolean no Indicates whether to show the Bold toolbar button or not. Default value is true
showItalic boolean no Indicates whether to show the Italic toolbar button or not. Default value is true
showLink boolean no Indicates whether to show the Hyperlink toolbar button or not. Default value is true
showList boolean no Indicates whether to show the List toolbar button or not. Default value is true
showMore boolean no Indicates whether to show the More toolbar button or not. Note that this option is indenpendent from the other show___ options. I.e.: Setting showBold to false will disable the Bold toolbar, but will not disable it from the formatting pane. Default value is true
showStyles boolean no Indicates whether to show the Headings toolbar button or not. Note that this option is indenpendent from the other show___ options. I.e.: Setting showBold to false will disable the Bold toolbar, but will not disable it from the formatting pane. Default value is true
showUnderline boolean no Indicates whether to show the Underline toolbar button or not. Note that this option is indenpendent from the other show___ options. I.e.: Setting showBold to false will disable the Bold toolbar, but will not disable it from the formatting pane. Default value is true

Note that setting showAlign, showBold, showItalic, showLink, showList, showStyles, or showUnderline to false does not remove the user's ability to apply the button's associated formatting -- it only hides the toolbar option. Also, if showMore is true, all options remain available in the formatting pane -- regardless whether they were turned off using show___. To prevent users from applying specific formats, use the onChange handler to parse the rich text and remove the formatting as desired.