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FieldCollectionData control

This control gives you the ability to insert a list / collection data which can be used in your web part / application customizer. For example: you want to specify multiple locations for showing a weather information.

The control allows you to specify multiple data types like: string, number, boolean, or dropdown. It also provides the possibility to render custom field.


Code editor initial

The type of data you get returned depends on the fields you defined. For the example above, the data looks like this:

    "Field1": "String value", "Field2": "123", "Field3": "", "Field4": true

How to use this control in your solutions

  1. Check that you installed the @pnp/spfx-controls-react dependency. Check out The getting started page for more information about installing the dependency.
  2. Import the following modules to your component:
import { FieldCollectionData, CustomCollectionFieldType } from '@pnp/spfx-controls-react/lib/FieldCollectionData';
  1. Add the control to the render method:
  label={"Fields Collection"} 
  manageBtnLabel={"Manage"} onChanged={(value) => { console.log(value); }}
  panelHeader={"Manage values"}

  executeFiltering={(searchFilter: string, item: any) => {
    return item["Field2"] === +searchFilter;
    {id: "Field1", title:"String field", type: CustomCollectionFieldType.string, required: true},
    {id: "Field2", title:"Number field", type: CustomCollectionFieldType.number},
    {id: "Field3", title:"URL field", type: CustomCollectionFieldType.url},
    {id: "Field4", title:"Boolean field", type: CustomCollectionFieldType.boolean}
      "Field1": "String value", "Field2": "123", "Field3": "", "Field4": true

Sample of custom field rendering

Here is an example of how you can render your own controls in the FieldCollectionData control:

  id: "customFieldId",
  title: "Custom Field",
  type: CustomCollectionFieldType.custom,
  onCustomRender: (field, value, onUpdate, item, itemId, onError) => {
    return (
      React.createElement("div", null,
        React.createElement("input", { key: itemId, value: value, onChange: (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
          if (event.currentTarget.value === "error") {
            onError(, "Value shouldn't be equal to error");
          } else {
            onError(, "");
          onUpdate(, event.currentTarget.value);
        }}), " 🎉"


The FieldCollectionData control can be configured with the following properties:

Property Type Required Description Default Value
key string yes An unique key that indicates the identity of this control.
label string no Property field label displayed on top.
panelHeader string yes Label to be used as the header in the panel.
panelDescription string no Property that allows you to specify a description in the collection panel.
manageBtnLabel string yes Label of the button to open the panel.
saveBtnLabel string no Label of the save button.
saveAndAddBtnLabel string yes Label of the save and add button.
cancelBtnLabel string yes Label of the cancel button.
fields ICustomCollectionField[] yes The fields to be used for the list of collection data.
value any[] yes The collection data value.
enableSorting boolean no Specify if you want to be able to sort the items in the collection. false
disabled boolean no Specify if the control is disabled. false
disableItemCreation boolean no Allows you to specify if user can create new items. false
disableItemDeletion boolean no Allows you to specify if users can delete already inserted items. false
panelClassName string no Allows you to specify a custom CSS class name for the collection data panel.
tableClassName string no Allows you to specify a custom CSS class name for the collection data table inside the panel.
itemsPerPage number no Allows you to specify the amount of items displayed per page. Paging control is added automatically.
executeFiltering (searchFilter: string, item: any) => boolean no Allows you to show Search Box and specify own filtering logic.
panelProps IPanelProps no Allows you to pass in props of the panel such as type and customWidth to control the underlying panel.
context BaseComponentContext no Needed if peoplepicker field type is used
usePanel boolean no Specify if you want the control to opened in a panel or directly on the page (only useful within webpart) true
noDataMessage string no Specify the message when no items are added to the collection

Interface ICustomCollectionField

Property Type Required Description
id string yes ID of the field.
title string yes Title of the field. This will be used for the label in the table.
type CustomCollectionFieldType yes Specifies the type of field to render.
disableEdit boolean no Allows you to specify if a field is disabled for editing.
required boolean no Specify if the field is required.
options IDropdownOption[] IComboboxOption[] no Dropdown options. Only necessary when dropdown or combobox type is used.
onRenderOption IRenderFunction no Dropdown custom options render method. Only for the dropdown field type.
placeholder string no Placehoder text which will be used for the input field. If not provided the input title will be used.
defaultValue any no Specify a default value for the input field.
deferredValidationTime number no Field will start to validate after users stop typing for deferredValidationTime milliseconds. Default: 200ms.
onGetErrorMessage (value: any, index: number, crntItem: any): string | Promise no The method is used to get the validation error message and determine whether the input value is valid or not. It provides you the current row index and the item you are currently editing.
onCustomRender (field: ICustomCollectionField, value: any, onUpdate: (fieldId: string, value: any) => void, item: any, itemUniqueId: string, onCustomFieldValidation: (fieldId: string, errorMessage: string) => void) => JSX.Element no This property is only required if you are using the custom field type and it can be used to specify the custom rendering of your control in the collection data.
multiSelect boolean no Specifies multiple options can be selected (combobox) or mutliple users can be selected (peoplepicker)
allowFreeform boolean no Specifies that own options can be entered. Only for combobox field type
minimumUsers number no Specifies the minimum number of users to be entered for peoplepicker field type
minimumUsersMessage string no Specifies the message to be displayed if minimumUsers are not entered for peoplepicker field type
maximumUsers number no Specifies the maximum number of users to be entered for peoplepicker field type

Enum CustomCollectionFieldType

Type Description
string Text field
number Number field
boolean Checkbox
dropdown Dropdown field. You will have to specify the options property when using this field type
combobox Combobox field. You wil have to specify the options property, optional specify allowFreeform and multiSelect
fabricIcon Name of the Office UI Fabric icon
url URL field
peoplepicker Peoplepicker control
custom This gives you control over the whole field rendering. Be sure to provide the onCustomRender method to render your control in the collection data.